10% off Premium Starter Kits in February

Yay, Young Living announced yesterday that for the month of February, all Premium Starter Kits* would be 10% off! They don’t discount the bundles very often, so this is exciting and helpful for those who have been waiting for just the right time to start their oily journey….or for already-members who would like to “refill” with another kit and extra diffuser!
Besides the main kit below (11 oils and diffuser), there are other options as well like the Thieves or Ningxia kits which you can learn about here. Order any of them here through my referral link.

This also works great with my own (essential) “Oil Change” challenge, so you can purchase this collection of eleven oils and diffuser through this referral link for this discounted price AND then have access to my exclusive resources and support groups (that phrase sounds a little funny, but having a place to ask questions and share ideas with other oilers helps you know what to do with the package when it arrives).
We are kicking off with Frankincense February, with challenges and private tips/recipes in my group that add onto the public posts anyone can follow along with here. Order your kit and join us for Frank Feb, or join the Oil Change challenge anytime this year (but the 10% discount will only be around this month)
Young Living is also giving away TWO FREE STARTER KITS each week this month!
“To show our members how much we love them, we’re giving away two free Premium Oil Collections every Friday throughout February. Here’s how to participate:
1. Take a selfie with your Young Living Premium Starter Kit.
2. Post your selfie on Instagram.
3. In your caption, tell us what you love about the Starter Kit, use #loveitshareit, and tag @younglivingeo.”
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