20 Sensual Essential Oils for Love, Romance, and Passion

Sensual: : relating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite (1)
Our senses are hugely important to our experience, feelings, and perception of love. Sight and touch are perhaps the most easily called upon (and sometimes deceiving) senses. Taste and pleasure go hand in hand, as our bodies have appetites…in many ways. Hearing words and sounds has a great impact on the depth of our feelings. But it is our sense of scent that if often under-appreciated and under-utilized.
What we smell triggers extremely powerful messages to and from the brain. Some aromas bring to mind memories and feelings of another time and place. Others prompt the release of chemicals that bring emotions and desires to the surface. The smell of coffee, freshly cut grass, pumpkin pie, certain perfumes of people in our past…this sense is connected to the limbic region of our brain (the emotional part) and is pretty much out of our hands once we catch a whiff. The nose knows. Thank you, olfactory system!
“We can be tricked by what we see and hear but not by what we smell.” – Madonna
In fact, smells play such a key role in human attraction at the scientific level. Research on pheromones – the unique chemical signals of attraction which are released and detected by others – is so interesting. How incredible that such chemical communication can guide nature’s breeding in the animal (and plant) kingdom! Although not fully understood in humans, this is a fun read about how smells can help women sniff out compatible mating partners, reproductively-speaking.
With smell perhaps the most primal of our senses, aromatherapy can reveal a whole other level to intimacy. But essential oils are more than just a scent. Essential oils can:
- rid negative emotions of bitterness, and resentment to encourage positive ones like forgiveness, compassion, and transformation.
- settle relationship conflicts and forge stronger bonds of trust and passion.
- enhance our own personal confidence, thus increasing our attraction.
- boost our libido which increases physical intimacy.
How can you use these oils?
- Love is in the air, especially when essential oils are diffused before, during, (even after) intimate moments!
- Combine one or more of these with some almond oil (a female aphrodisiac scent) or other light oil for homemade massage oil. Extra powerful on reflexology/ Vita-flex points on the feet, hands, and ears. About 20 drops total per 1/2 cup (100ml or so). Here’s my DIY Love Lotion/massage oil using many oils from this list.
- Drop some in bath water to be enjoyed alone or together. (Read bottle instructions and avoid doing with ‘warming’ oils listed below).
- Add a drop or two to skin and beauty items, like lotions and hair products.
- Make a room/linen spray by using 10-20 drops in a 2 oz. glass spritz bottle.
- Wear as perfume behind ears, neck, wrists, cleavage, bikini line, etc.
Below are the aphrodisiac properties of the top sensual essential oils for love, romance, and passion! (Interesting to note/connect how many of these oils are also anti-depressant in nature…hmm):
Ylang Ylang – Uniquely calming, cooling, and euphoric at the same time. Known for soothing anxieties and conflicts, Ylang Ylang has a euphoric effect on the nervous system. This is a must-have EO to enhance attraction and enjoy a deeply sensual, erotic experience.
Jasmine – This heady aroma (eh-hem) promotes deep-lasting affections by bringing confidence and a slight warmth. It is seductive for rekindling and sustaining strong relationships, taking away performance anxiety or feelings of inadequacy.
Sandalwood – Uniquely able to mingle with everyone’s own natural body odors, which means Sandalwood produces different aromas and pheremones for each person! Brings out the best in you, something very personal.
Black Pepper – Think stamina, strength, and heat. The penetrating properties (too much?) of this EO produce a warming effect, (similar to His/Hers store-bought products), so should be used in very small amounts. Similar to…
Cinnamon – This oil can increase appetites, both nutritionally and sexually. It is another oil that brings the heat, increasing blood flow to areas, sooooo….please dilute!
Patchouli – You either love or hate this oil. The biggest gift here is focus. Patchouli aids in a sharp mind and being fully present with a partner or self, as well as overcoming fatigue. Thus, big libido boost! Helps men relax and arouse.
Orange or Lime – These oils combined with other sensual EOs add a layer of playfulness and fun. They can lighten the mood.
Ginger – This pungent oil boost vitality, spices up the libido, and heightens passion and desire. Nutmeg is similar in effects.
Basil – A sweet and spicy oil that promotes love, seduction, and fertility by awakening the senses and arousal.
Clary Sage – This mellow oil contains natural phytoestrogens which makes it perfect for supporting normal PMS and menopause…an excellent balancing oil for female hormone support and fertility.
Lady Sclareol – An alluring and seductive blend of oils (Geranium, Coriander, Vetiver, Orange, Clary, Bergamot, Ylang ylang, Royal Hawaiian™ sandalwood, Spanish sage, Jasmine, Idaho blue spruce, Spearmint, and Hinoki)…whoa! Great for skin, perfume, and driving each other wild!
Sensation – This is a really romantic blend to enhance the enjoyment of togetherness! Comes as an essential oil or already-ready in a Sensation Massage oil. Umm, you’ll reallllllllly want this one…
Joy – Such a love oil. I swear by a drop of this blend on my heart most days to bring uplifting and magnetic energy, as my usual only ‘perfume’. But together, it inspires romance like whoa. Ahh, a personal favorite. Contains rose oil which is the most uplifting, loving, romantic oil.
Mister – An essential oil that specifically benefits men. It also helps promote greater inner-body balance and many have found it soothing when stressed. Mister is recommended for men age thirty and over.
Goldenrod – Let’s pause a moment to soak in the name, shall we? Perhaps chuckle. Ok, ready to move on? Supports the circulatory system, opens up the blood vessels (Hey, that’s what that stuff on the commercial aims to do!…shhh) and better flow is a good thing. Hard one to talk about here, but I encourage you to research it further yourselves if you would like. And investigate Idaho Blue Spruce while you’re at it, too.
Lavender – Ah, the “swiss army knife” of essential oils. So versatile, potent, yet gentle. Lavender famously relaxes, soothes, and nurtures…and it can do the same for a relationship.
And anything vanilla. It is one of the biggest arousals for men (along with licorice). You can purchase any of these therapeutic-quality oils with my referral code (1756542) at retail price, but I recommend starting with this for the best deal on essential oils. So go get these on and get it on!
This is my necessary disclaimer that this blog is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure. I am only a mom with an education background. I must let you know that any essential oils statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. I simply approve for myself and family of such things that I deem safe, effective, and positively life-transformative. I encourage you all to be informed and empowered with your health. Also, some of my posts may contain affiliate links. When you click them, you help me to cover a small portion of the cost of this blog. I appreciate your support so that I can continue to do what I love. Please note that I only ever endorse products that are in alignment with Odds & Evans’ ideals, my personal use, and those I believe would be of value to my readers.“Where should one use perfume?” a young woman asked. “Wherever one wants to be kissed.”― Coco Chanel
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