Find a CSA for Farm-Fresh Food All Fall/Winter

This weekend at our local farmers’ market, I was thrilled to see sign-ups for two things: the winter CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program and the Thanksgiving pastured turkey order sheet.  Yippee!

Full Cellar Farm is our favorite nearby farm in Maryland to support [I’ve mentioned them in my commentary about the Standard American Diet (SAD) before and I often hashtag them with my weekly haul on Instagram].  They are not an organic farm (because there are a lot of expensive and ridiculous hurdles to go through to simply use the O-word), however they follow all the farm practices we believe in/look for. 10685373_10100433390419406_8890329770759395192_n


The farmers’ markets in my area will stop happening in early-to-mid-October as the weather changes.  Thankfully, we do not have to go all winter long without fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and eggs (sometimes, depending on the chickens) due to Community Supported Agriculture programs.

CSAs are a popular way for consumers to directly support a farmer’s local, seasonal food.  Each farm may choose to run theirs a little differently, but basically the public is offered a certain number of “shares” they will be able to accommodate.  Purchasing a share (or membership, subscription, etc) will give you wonderful seasonal produce each week of the season.  Some farms deliver this “box” or collection right to your home while others arrange a weekly drop-off/pick-up time.  You may get a variety of items that week, or just a large quantity of one or two abundant things.  It can be a lot of fun to meal-plan what to do each week with the produce you are given!

Again, there are many variations on CSAs because each farm is unique.  Full Cellar Farm actually runs their CSA as a “market-style” or “mix-and-match” CSA, which I love.  This is essentially like a regular farmer’s market, only it is set-up just for those of us who sign-up as shareholders.  A surprise box isn’t delivered to our home each week; rather our favorite farmer, Kip, sets up in our library parking lot one night a week.  We go over to shop and spend the amount we want (and they are usually so generous to add in one or two bonus items).  We love having tons of fresh kale for as long as we can (perfect in this crockpot recipe with their whole chicken we buy as well) and other available items all winter long.

This week at the farmers’ market, Full Cellar Farm also put out their request sheet for Thanksgiving turkeys.  Not just any turkeys.  All-natural pasture-raised turkeys.  If you haven’t tasted a turkey that was raised on grass, sunshine, and insects and wasn’t given any hormones or antibiotics, then you have never experienced the most-delicious turkey of your life.  This year, we could pick a smaller Heritage breed (12-22 lbs. dressed) or larger Broad-Breasted bird (18-30 lbs. dressed).  This will be the second year where we enjoy an amazing pastured Heritage turkey that we pick up the week of Thanksgiving.  Not only was it mouth-watering and healthy last year, but we got almost 4 quarts of nourishing bone broth from it after the meal!  Check out how I make bone broth overnight in the crock pot, if you missed it. 10599194_10100433390414416_7400619740191366549_n

There’s nothing better than knowing and supporting your local farmer.  When we say “farmer” to our two-year old, he says “Mr. Kip”.  We were thrilled when he announced the birth of his first child and love having him greet us by name each week, knowing our favorite items.  Find a CSA in your area by going to, pre-order a pastured turkey if you can, and be sure to thank your farmer every chance you get!



This is my necessary disclaimer that this blog is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure. I am only a mom with an education background. I must let you know that any essential oils statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. I simply approve for myself and family of such things that I deem safe, effective, and positively life-transformative. I encourage you all to be informed and empowered with your health. Also, some of my posts may contain affiliate links. When you click them, you help me to cover a small portion of the cost of this blog. I appreciate your support so that I can continue to do what I love. Please note that I only ever endorse products that are in alignment with Odds & Evans’ ideals, my personal use, and those I believe would be of value to my readers.

Odds & Evans was my first baby and will remain my creative hub for resources, blogs, and links. Our Digital Collab is between you and me… Amanda Evans. I have 15 years of business workflow, creative planning, and digital organization in a broad range of positions and industries. Businesses and solo-preneurs hire me to act as their part-time “business manager”, virtual assistant”, “ads strategist”; I’ve been called lots of things! I live in Maryland/DC area with my husband, two kids, and two cats. As a busy multi-tasking mom and former elementary school teacher, I do consider myself an efficiency expert!

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