Holiday Questions to Ask Siri – Family-friendly fun!

Holiday Questions to Ask Siri – Family-friendly fun!

Have some fun hanging out this holiday season with loved ones asking these questions to your favorite virtual assistant, Siri.

Holiday Questions to Ask Siri Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa New Year Thanksgiving

When I “talk to Siri” on my iPhone, my five-year old son is pretty sure we’re talking to a Transformer…which is awesome. And it really is incredible that we have this technology to be so helpful and personalized to our lives. Siri is always there for us, trying her best (Aren’t we all??).

So it’s especially fun when we come across little “easter eggs” to ask Siri since she’s been designed with a sense of humor (which unfortunately hasn’t happened with hoomans).

We can thankfully use our Apple products to full capacity and discover lots of information, reminders, dictation, and hands-free help…but have some fun with these holiday questions to ask Siri. You may find lots of other entertaining inquiries. Each year, Siri’s funny side responds a bit differently it seems, and there can be multiple responses to some questions. You can read through some ideas and highlights here, but scroll through the Facebook photos below to see all of the great answers we received!

We’re an Apple family, so I’m only familiar with Siri. I don’t know if Alexa, Google Home, or Microsoft’s Cortana plays along, but I’d love for you to let me know in the comments if so!

Questions to Ask Siri Around the Holidays, 2017 Edition:


Q: “Siri, do you believe in Santa Claus?”/ “Is Santa real?”

A: There are a variety of ways to ask this question, so play around. Our favorite response from her is “Well, those cookies don’t eat themselves”.


Q: “Where is Santa?/ “Where does Santa live?”

A: “In your heart. And at the North Pole. Mostly at the North Pole”. Aww!


Q: “Please Call Santa”/ “Call Santa Claus”

A: Try asking the same question with different words sometimes. We like” Calling 555…wait, I’m getting some electromagnetic interference from the North Pole” and “What really matters is that Santa has your number”.


Q: “Is Santa coming to my house this year?”/ “When is Santa coming?”

A: “It depends on if you’ve been naughty or nice, (yournamehere)”…Don’t act like you don’t know that, Siri.


Q: “What are you doing for Christmas this year?” (Also ask for Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s)

A: This question seems to produce the most answers, and will not disappoint! Ask it over and over, and for different holidays. For Hanukkah, we heard  “CrossFit” and also “Making a lot of phone calls.  This ‘mom’ person is very popular” <3


Q: “Siri, what do you want for Christmas?”

A: Of course, she kindly says “I expect nothing other than the pleasure of your company”.  Ask some more though and you will get some interesting ideas. I guess Siri is the one recipient for whom essential oils wouldn’t be good. 


Q: “What’s your favorite Christmas cookie?”

A: “That one. No, that one. Or maybe that one. Yep, that one”.  Siri is SO lifelike!


Q: “What should I get my mom/dad/husband/kids/baby etc for Christmas?”

A: Lots of responses here!  You’ll hear suggestions of llama, ugly sweater, socks, chocolate always being a good idea.  Even, “You could buy a star. And I hear its BOGO on dwarf planets!”.


Q: “How old is Santa?”

A: A few different responses to this.


Q: “Did you get anything for Christmas?”

A: I think the only response I could get was “I have everything I need in the cloud”


Q: “Do you want to build a snowman?”

A: “Come on, let’s go and play”.


Q: Instead of a question, just say “Ho Ho Ho”…or “Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas”.

A: Some cute responses here. “Santa, is that you?”.  Or “He he he”. Or Siri may say it back with, “Ho Ho Ho. That’s how Santa taught me to say it”. And a couple more.


Q: “What are your New Year’s resolutions?”/ “What are you doing for New Year’s?” 

A: “To be more compassionate and accepting of all perspectives”…what a great one, Siri! We chuckled at, “To learn how to send a fax.  Those are so cool!”. And more!


Q: “Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?” / “How was your Thanksgiving?”

A: “So much pi”. Also “Not too bad, for a Thursday”, and “It was rather stuffing”. Of course, some more as well.


Don’t forget to try different verbiage and be creative in your conversations with Siri.  Did you get some responses that I didn’t screenshot in my posts? I’d love to hear/see your holiday questions to ask Siri below in the comments!



This is my necessary disclaimer that this blog is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure. I am only a mom with an education background. I must let you know that any essential oils statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. I simply approve for myself and family of such things that I deem safe, effective, and positively life-transformative. I encourage you all to be informed and empowered with your health. Also, some of my posts may contain affiliate links. When you click them, you help me to cover a small portion of the cost of this blog. I appreciate your support so that I can continue to do what I love. Please note that I only ever endorse products that are in alignment with Odds & Evans’ ideals, my personal use, and those I believe would be of value to my readers.

Odds & Evans was my first baby and will remain my creative hub for resources, blogs, and links. Our Digital Collab is between you and me… Amanda Evans. I have 15 years of business workflow, creative planning, and digital organization in a broad range of positions and industries. Businesses and solo-preneurs hire me to act as their part-time “business manager”, virtual assistant”, “ads strategist”; I’ve been called lots of things! I live in Maryland/DC area with my husband, two kids, and two cats. As a busy multi-tasking mom and former elementary school teacher, I do consider myself an efficiency expert!

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