Kiss Me, I’m Irish Cream Sugar Scrub

Aye, ye must get your lips (or hands or face) kissably soft with this sweet, easy, homemade scrub! You’ll be a fine bit of stuff to snog!
“Kiss Me, I’m Irish” Cream Sugar Scrub
- 1/8 – 1/4 cup oil base (Start with smaller amount first. I prefer liquid coconut oil
because it always stays liquid then, but melting regular solid coconut oil
first works, too! Just may need a little fork/finger fluff occasionally if it clumps up later – all still good though! Other great base oils are almond, hazelnut, sunflower, or even olive)
- 10-12 drops Peppermint essential oil – You can order it through me, but I recommend getting it as part of the Premium Starter Kit for the best deal.
- 3/4 cup white sugar (any sugar you want, really. I just thought white looked the best for this.)
- Green food coloring, to preference but also optional (I suggest NATURAL, non-synthetic food colors like India Tree brand – buy them here
– OR I used a couple tablespoons of freshly-juiced kale from my morning juice here (like I did for green play dough, homemade bath paints, and natural easter egg dye)!
- 1 tablespoon dry milk (optional, but smells and feels more ‘creamy’)
- Also optional: 1 or 2 drops of Vitamin E Oil
, or empty a vitamin E capsule. The reason for adding vitamin E is two-fold: it makes it more moisturizing AND is a natural preservative that will further extend its shelf life.
How do I make it?
- Start with 1/8 cup of coconut (or other) base. Then add dry milk and Vitamin E oil if you’re using them.
- Add the essential oil. You may use less than I recommend here and then just add as desired, if you’re skimpy like me.
- Pour in the sugar.
- Now add your food coloring, if you want (not necessary) Use the lowest amount of green though, maybe even testing a patch of skin first so you don’t end up looking like Shrek or something. My kale or a couple drops of India Tree result in no problems for me, but I feel compelled to say this just in case a reader’s ingredient turns out differently, don’t “eat the head off me” (…I swear that’s an Irish saying…). IF YOU USE KALE JUICE, I think the lower 1/8 cup of coconut oil works well without being too liquified.
- Combine and add more base oil if necessary (or any ingredient) until desired texture preference is achieved.
Once it is mixed up, you’ll have about 8 ounces of homemade spa! It will fill two small jelly/salsa Ball jars
, and is probably good for up to 6 months, maybe less if using kale juice. I have no testing of that, so please just use it up fast (and use your best judgement). A good rule of thumb is when you can no longer smell the essential oil (which helps preserves it), you may want to make a new batch. If it smells or looks funny in any way, just make a new batch or try different sugar scrub of mine!
How and where can I use this sugar scrub?
Face, hands, feet, lips, elbows, neck…any skin that could benefit from a slight sloughing of dead or rough skin cells. You can massage it on dry, or wet the area or your fingers first. It can be washed off immediately or after a few minutes (I like a washcloth to help me wipe it all off, or you could shower/splash it off enough). It is all your preference, of course. I prefer to use a scrub on my face once a week. Moisturizing is always nice after exfoliation, especially in the winter, but the oils in this help keep your skin soft without the harsh drying of most store-bought products. So you may not need to depending on your skin and weather. I use plain coconut or almond oil to moisturize as well, or a homemade body butter with essential oils.
Don’t be “gone in the head” and eat it, even though it’s tempting. Stick to yer corned beef and cabbage, mate!
And for no good reason at all, my sugar scrub recipes now all come with a bonus “sweet”-themed video for your listening pleasure. Here is a beautiful irish song made famous by The Fureys and Davey Arthur, called “When You Were Sweet Sixteen”. Enjoy!
I’d love to hear from you below that you’ve stopped by, tried this recipe, or another one!
Other sugar scrubs:

This post is linked up at: Small Victories Sunday, Manic Mondays, Monday Madness, Motivation Monday,
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