Make a Clothespin Car Diffuser for Essential Oils On-the-Go

Make a Clothespin Car Diffuser for Essential Oils On-the-Go

One of the easiest essential oils “hacks” is to use a wooden clothespin as a make-shift diffuser in your car.  This idea of utilizing your car air vents to “diffuse” the aroma into the air while you drive is easy, inexpensive, and fun for the Clothespin Diffuser for essential oils DIY | OddsandEvans

What I love about this homemade car diffuser is that you can simply use a drop of oil on a plain, undecorated wooden clothespin.  Technically, this isn’t a cool-mist, awesome air diffuser like you may have in your home, but it does the trick of aromatically infusing a scent while you drive.  Here is a wonderful USB car diffuser you can purchase, (and another travel fan diffuser or one that plugs into lighter outlet)…but in a pinch, this is fun, won’t require refill pads, and is a great conversation piece if you’re driving others!

It’s “triple A” you can use daily:
Adorn your clothespin (or not)
Attach/clip it to your car air vent
Aroma of your choice

…and then just breathe.  We sometimes forget that very important action…

The aroma will not last much longer than a day if using a plain clothespin, however you can attach a small piece of cork on which to drop the oil.  Or craft pom poms, ribbon, felt, and fabric are other creative ideas you can play with that may hold a scent a bit longer.

My son saw me coloring on some clothespins and wanted to join in on the fun.  Kids will love to help decorate with markers, paint, or any accessories of your choosing/availability.   Your children may love to make these as gifts, and you could include a small sample vial of an essential oil for someone (or heck, a whole bottle! There are some excellent oils under $20).Clothespin Diffuser for Essential Oils in the Car On the Go

Clothespin diffusers can also be a great idea to host as a make-and-take class, especially when gathering with parents.  Share and show your oils love with them as the little ones decorate, then everyone gets to take home their craft – and maybe a sample if you choose (The Premium Starter Kit comes with sample vials for you to fill/share).  Simple way to introduce others to the ease and empowerment of essential oils.

Some Incredible Essential Oils for Car Diffusing:

Christmas Spirit
Peace & Calming
Citrus Fresh
RC (supports a normal respiratory system)

Below are some affiliate links to crafty items you may wish to consider for your clothespin diffuser decorating (and many thanks that any purchases help support my ability to continue mom-blogging!)

Various size graphics to share on social media, please 🙂 Clothespin Diffusers for Essential Oils in the Car   Car Clothespin Diffusers Facebook

This is my necessary disclaimer that this blog is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure. I am only a mom with an education background. I must let you know that any essential oils statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. I simply approve for myself and family of such things that I deem safe, effective, and positively life-transformative. I encourage you all to be informed and empowered with your health. Also, some of my posts may contain affiliate links. When you click them, you help me to cover a small portion of the cost of this blog. I appreciate your support so that I can continue to do what I love. Please note that I only ever endorse products that are in alignment with Odds & Evans’ ideals, my personal use, and those I believe would be of value to my readers.

Odds & Evans was my first baby and will remain my creative hub for resources, blogs, and links. Our Digital Collab is between you and me… Amanda Evans. I have 15 years of business workflow, creative planning, and digital organization in a broad range of positions and industries. Businesses and solo-preneurs hire me to act as their part-time “business manager”, virtual assistant”, “ads strategist”; I’ve been called lots of things! I live in Maryland/DC area with my husband, two kids, and two cats. As a busy multi-tasking mom and former elementary school teacher, I do consider myself an efficiency expert!

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